Sunday, March 21, 2010

Playdate with my RR Friends!

A couple of weeks ago, some of my friends from high school, were able to get together on a Friday, for a playdate. Call and I went over to Shelly's house, where we were joined by Liz and Emery, Jenny, and Katie. Liz made lasagna, I brought salad, Jenny brought bread, and Katie brought dessert. It was a yummy feast. We also had a new addition to the group! Shelly had Baby Jasper, the last Friday in February. We were able to spend some time with Shelly and her boys, along with Emery. It was so wonderful to be among my girlfriends and their children, hanging out, and watching our kids play together. We have vowed to try and get together once a month from now on. I am so blessed to have these girls for my friends. It is so neat that we continue to share our lives with each other as we get older. Hopefully, our children will be blessed with friendships with each other as they grow up together!

Collier and Kelan

Collier, Kelan, and Baby Jasper.

Sweet Emery.

Call and Emery.
Little Baby Jasper. Shelly's newest addition.

1 comment:

  1. Hey!!! So Kellie sent me the link to your blog! I have been meaning to e-mail you and every time I'm up here on the computer your info is still sitting in the console of my car! Cute blog... We need to try and get together. Here's my blog.. and e-mail
