So to try once again to sum up the last four months, here we go! Wyatt is growing up so fast and he is such a BIG boy compared to his older brother when he was this age. One thing about Wyatt is he loves to eat! He loves to nurse and it seems like all the time. He loves to swing and he loves sleep in his mommy's arms too. He is a good baby. Of course he cries and we can't always figure out what he wants, but he eventually settles down by nursing or laying on my knees, tummy side down while we pat his back. Collier loves his baby brother, and poor Wyatt can't seem to get a moment alone. Collier is always giving him kisses and loving on him. I know he can't wait for his baby to be able to play with him.
One Month Old.

I don't have stats for the first month. They see the pediatrician at 2 days old, 2 weeks old, and 2 months old. Wyatt was born 8lb, 11oz and by the time we left the hospital he was down to 8lb, 1oz. At his 2 day visit he had gained back the weight lost, and at his 2 week appointment he was 9lb, 1.5oz and 21 inches long. He was in the 75% for children his age. Like I said, he loves to nurse and eat!

So tiny. Sweet Baby.

Collier has to have his picture made too!
2 months old.

Wyatt was not happy about this photo op. I should have tried again later when he was in a better mood, but I was determined to get these done at this particular time. Probably because we were on our way to the pediatrician. This month we weighed in at 14lbs, 14oz and were 23 1/2 inches long. He was in the 95% for kids his age! He did really well with his first shots too. He only cried a few seconds after he realized something sharp had poked him. But he quickly settled down. Lots of fat on those legs, so I am thinking it didn't hurt as much. No picture of the Dr. visit. I went by myself and forgot the camera.

And Wyatt is developing more of a personality. He is way more dramatic than Collier. He is pretty laid back, but when he gets upset watch out. He definitely has his own richter scale with his voice! He still loves to swing. He spends lots of time in there and he continues to sleep with me at night. He is not a fan of the pacifier and he loves to pacify himself by nursing. But at this point, we need sleep to deal with the craziness of these two boys. Whatever works!

Collier doesn't miss his picture with Wyatt too. I have started to try and dress them alike. Hence the shorts that look like I am cutting off the circulation to Wy's belly! Wyatt is quickly going up in clothes sizes and I can't keep up. We are in 3-6 months at 2 months old.
3 months old.

And the rolls are numerous! I love this chunky monkey. When he turned 3 months we were in Colorado visiting my mom. We really put him to the test with a two day trip in the car. Another thing about Wyatt, he is not a big fan of the car seat. I spent most of my time in the backseat between the two boys to keep Wyatt settled down. He is starting to smile and laugh. He is getting interested in his hands and starting to chew on them.

Collier getting his turn now. He likes to hold Wyatt in his lap, but he doesn't do a very good job of holding him! And Wyatt is or almost looks bigger than his brother.

Granna trying to get Wyatt to smile.
4 months old.

So we haven't had our 4 month well check yet. But I did have to take Wyatt into the pediatrician for an issue with thrush and he weighed in at 18lbs, 8oz. He is in 6-12 months in clothes. Wyatt please stop growing so fast! He is smiling more and laughing hysterically. Loves his hands and holding and chewing on toys that are swinging in front of him. He like to jump in the jumperoo, lay on his play mat and play, not a huge fan of the bumpo, and he still likes to swing. He rolls from side to side and will soon be rolling over. Lately he likes to grab his feet/toes. He loves the bath. He is mimicking our facial expressions and loves to have Collier smother him with his love!

He still is dramatic and has lots of facial expressions. I think he gets that from me. When he is happy he is happy, when he is upset, I sure do know about it quick!

Little man grabbing his toes.
And Collier was too busy to take his picture today. I think he was throwing toys into the crib. And that is the new thing we are working on-we moved Collier to a big boy bed in another room and Wyatt to the crib in the nursery. We have had to be tough and do some sleep training, but after a week, Wyatt is putting himself to sleep. He still wakes up a couple of times to nurse, but he doing well and sleeping better at night. Me too!
I love my two little boys so much! They bring such joy to my heart each and everyday. Collier is so sweet and talking so much. I can't believe he is almost two. He loves his Wyatt too and can't wait for Wyatt to be able to play with him!
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